Anime · Gaming

Hakuōki/薄桜鬼 Series in 1 Vid

Chizuru Yukimura heads to Kyoto to search for her father, finding herself attacked by mad men before they are cut down by members of the Shinsengumi who take her into custody for interrogation. Upon learning that she is a girl and the daughter of a doctor who developed the Water of Life elixir that turns those that drink it into invincible blood lusting berserkers called Rasetsu (羅刹), the Shinsengumi decide to keep her as an aide in their search. In time, as the Shinsengumi aid the shogunate in the Bakufu, Chizuru begins to develop a bond with the Shinsengumi and its aloof member Toshizo Hijikata. However, as time passes, Chizuru and Shinsengumi confront a mysterious faction who call themselves Oni (Devils) and that Chizuru is also an Oni with father revealed to be experimenting on the Water of Life to create the Rasetsu to wipe out the human race.

Hands down the best historical fantasy anime ever made in 2012 & 2014. I’ve watched the series in around the year 2014-2015 (I forgot, somewhere around there I think) and it’s one of those anime that after you have completed it, other than the feeling of emptiness that you’re life was meaningless now that it ended, you want more. It kills to know that it ended and you try your best to find out if there will be another season, to which obviously there wouldn’t be any because it was really THE END.

I cried twice while sleeping lol.

Anyways, while wandering around YouTube searching for some nice Japanese songs to listen while studying (exams dammit) I stumbled upon this video of Hakuōki. Well, a MAD created by Fran Fran, an anonymous Japanese YouTube user. It took me away because of the song and the way he/she created the video based on the whole Hakuōki series. Of course, you have to watch the anime to have a full understanding of the story. And…it’s just my opinion but they really made Chizuru weak in the anime. I was really hoping for her to use her *cough* spoiler *cough* powers at least ONCE but nooooooo.

However, just by watching it brings back memories and feelings whether or not one understands what the anime is about. I mean, I like to share stuff so I’m sharing what I had found!

Here’s the link: 蓮花 / Don’t Cry (薄桜鬼MAD)Hakuouki NewSong

And here’s a pic of my fav character in the series.

Do take a look at the anime too cause it’s so good and that goodness increases until the end. Oh, don’t forget tissues too because it’s full of tragedy.



P.S. Hakuōki/薄桜鬼  is a video game series by Idea Factory, first designed for the PlayStation 2 and then later ported to PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS.

3 thoughts on “Hakuōki/薄桜鬼 Series in 1 Vid

  1. I just got done watching all the anime and playing every single guy in the game. The anime was, hands down, the best historical anime I’ve seen about Japan.Maybe the only next one would be Samurai X but this was great! Saito is my favorite character next to Okita. Honestly, though. Chizuru didn’t use her powers in any of the animes or the game. In the game, she played the same weak character. Oh well.

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    1. Really? I wanted to play the game and was hoping that in the game Chizuru would use her powers and not be weak. But I guess not. Sigh, well. Thanks for commenting! I’ll still try the game out.

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